Innocents, The

“The Innocents”, directed by Eskil Vogt, is a chilling and thought-provoking Norwegian thriller set during a bright Nordic summer. The film follows a group of children who discover they possess mysterious and unsettling supernatural powers when adults aren’t looking. Central to the story is a young girl named Ida, who moves into a new apartment complex and befriends Ben, Anna, and Aisha. These children soon realize that their newfound abilities, ranging from telepathy to telekinesis, come with dark and dangerous consequences. As they experiment with their powers, their innocent play escalates into something far more sinister, leading to a series of disturbing events. The film delves deep into themes of innocence, morality, and the latent potential for cruelty within us all, especially when left unchecked. “The Innocents” masterfully combines the supernatural with a stark portrayal of childhood’s darker side, creating a tense, atmospheric experience that lingers long after its haunting conclusion.