Guilty, The

The Guilty, a 2018 Danish thriller directed by Gustav Möller, unfolds over the course of a single night in an emergency call center. The film centers on Asger Holm, a police officer temporarily assigned to dispatch duty. Asger’s night takes a dramatic turn when he receives a call from a woman named Iben, who is being abducted. The entire story is experienced through Asger’s perspective in the call center, as he attempts to piece together the situation and help Iben, despite his limited means and information. The film skillfully builds tension and suspense, relying solely on the audio from the calls and Asger’s reactions. As the night progresses, Asger uncovers a more complicated and disturbing truth, leading to a gripping and emotional climax. “The Guilty” is a masterclass in minimalist storytelling, showcasing the power of narrative through voice and sound.