Seven Psychopaths

“Seven Psychopaths” is a 2012 dark comedy crime film directed by Martin McDonagh. The story follows struggling screenwriter Marty Faranan, played by Colin Farrell, who is trying to complete his screenplay titled “Seven Psychopaths.” Marty’s best friend, Billy (Sam Rockwell), an out-of-work actor and part-time dog thief, decides to help by placing an advertisement seeking psychopaths to share their stories. This leads to a series of bizarre and violent encounters. When Billy and his partner Hans (Christopher Walken) inadvertently kidnap the beloved Shih Tzu of a ruthless gangster named Charlie (Woody Harrelson), chaos ensues. The film blends humor and violence as Marty navigates the madness around him, exploring themes of friendship, creativity, and the fine line between fiction and reality.