“One Night in Miami” is a 2020 drama film directed by Regina King, based on the play by Kemp Powers. The film is a fictionalized account of a real evening on February 25, 1964, when four iconic African American figures—Cassius Clay (later Muhammad Ali), Malcolm X, Jim Brown, and Sam Cooke—gathered in a Miami hotel room after Clay’s victory over Sonny Liston. The film explores the conversations and debates among these men about their roles in the Civil Rights Movement and their responsibilities as influential Black figures. Through their discussions, the film delves into themes of racial identity, activism, and the struggle for social justice. “One Night in Miami” is praised for its powerful performances, particularly by Kingsley Ben-Adir as Malcolm X and Leslie Odom Jr. as Sam Cooke, and for its thoughtful exploration of the intersection of fame, politics, and race in 1960s America.
One Night in Miami