Zone of Interest, The

“The Zone of Interest” is a 2023 war drama film directed by Jonathan Glazer, based on the novel by Martin Amis. The film presents a chilling portrayal of life near the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. It centers around Rudolf Höss, the commandant of Auschwitz, and his family, who live in a house just outside the camp. The film contrasts the horrifying realities of the Holocaust with the seemingly normal domestic life of Höss and his family. As the family goes about their daily routines, the atrocities of the camp loom ever-present, creating a haunting juxtaposition. “The Zone of Interest” explores themes of moral blindness, complicity, and the banality of evil, offering a stark and unsettling reflection on humanity’s capacity for cruelty and indifference. The film is noted for its minimalist style and its disturbing, thought-provoking narrative.