“The Man Who Fell to Earth” is a 2022 sci-fi drama series developed by Alex Kurtzman and Jenny Lumet, inspired by the 1963 novel by Walter Tevis and the 1976 film starring David Bowie. The series follows an alien named Faraday, played by Chiwetel Ejiofor, who arrives on Earth at a critical point in human history. Faraday is on a mission to find the brilliant scientist Justin Falls, portrayed by Naomie Harris, who is the key to saving both his dying planet and humanity. As Faraday adapts to Earth and learns what it means to be human, he must navigate the complexities of this world while facing powerful enemies who seek to exploit his advanced technology. The series explores themes of identity, survival, and the consequences of technological advancement, with strong performances and a compelling narrative that expands on the original story.
Man Who Fell to Earth, The