“The World According to Garp” is a 1982 comedy-drama film directed by George Roy Hill, based on the bestselling novel by John Irving. The film stars Robin Williams as T.S. Garp, the son of the feminist icon Jenny Fields, played by Glenn Close. Garp grows up in an unconventional household, shaped by his mother’s progressive and independent views. As he navigates life as a writer, husband, and father, Garp encounters a series of eccentric characters and absurd situations that reflect the unpredictability of life. The film explores themes of love, sexuality, feminism, and the struggles of finding personal identity amidst societal expectations. With a blend of humor and poignancy, “The World According to Garp” offers a satirical yet heartfelt look at life’s complexities, bolstered by strong performances from Williams and Close.
World According to Garp, The