
“Elle” is a 2016 psychological thriller directed by Paul Verhoeven, starring Isabelle Huppert in a critically acclaimed performance. The film follows Michèle Leblanc, a successful businesswoman who is raped in her home by an unknown assailant. Rather than reporting the assault to the police, Michèle takes matters into her own hands, beginning a cat-and-mouse game with her attacker. As she navigates her complex personal life, including strained relationships with her son, ex-husband, and lover, Michèle’s dark past and her psychological complexities are gradually revealed. “Elle” explores themes of power, control, and trauma with a provocative and unsettling approach. Huppert’s performance was widely praised, earning her numerous awards, including a Golden Globe for Best Actress. The film is noted for its bold storytelling, challenging its audience to confront uncomfortable questions about victimhood and revenge.