
“Snowfall” is a crime drama television series that premiered in 2017, co-created by John Singleton, Eric Amadio, and Dave Andron. Set in Los Angeles in the early 1980s, the series explores the origins and impact of the crack cocaine epidemic. The story follows several characters whose lives are intertwined by the drug trade: Franklin Saint (Damson Idris), a young street entrepreneur; Teddy McDonald (Carter Hudson), a CIA operative running an off-the-books operation; and Gustavo “El Oso” Zapata (Sergio Peris-Mencheta), a Mexican wrestler turned enforcer. As the series progresses, it delves into the socio-economic effects of the drug crisis on the community, the ruthless world of drug trafficking, and the moral complexities faced by those involved. “Snowfall” is praised for its gritty storytelling, strong performances, and its realistic portrayal of a pivotal era in American history.